Tuesday, 24 December 2013

The Job Saga continues…

This week, despite the fact that it’s been Christmas, and Christmas ought to be a time to turn off your laptop and bury it under wrapping paper and turkey until you are forced to dig it out again by the start of the New Year and an inbox explosion, there has been an endless stream of emails, calls and conversations going regarding my Singapore job hunt.
            The client that I asked for a reference came out of the woodwork and tried to get me to work for him, before deciding that he needed another three months before they would be ready for me. The job that sparked up just a couple of weeks ago progressed, sending me a low value offer with huge potentials depending on the company growth and development, and the role that I have been working on for the past four months (four months and endless interviews) called me on the day I was expecting a final response to tell me that they had an internal candidate who they had to give the preference to, so feedback would take longer to make it’s way to me.
           Not exactly the best start to the Christmas holidays, but with so many potentials up in the air, I am sure that at least one of them is going to pan out nicely for me. I really bloody hope it does anyway! Despite the fact that everyone told me I wouldn’t be able to secure a job before I made the full move, I am desperate to get one sorted, and to prove all those people wrong too, if possible!

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