Friday, 12 February 2016

A surprise supper

This Friday we had plans for a low key supper in Little India with my new work buddy Sonya.
            Her boozy lunch slightly got in the way of these plans, and so instead of heading back for a quiet evening I went out to join her until Nick finished up work, and then we were going to slip away for dinner on our own.
            Somehow, but the most unlikely of coincidence, minutes after Nick arrived, he had to pop out for another work call, and whilst standing in a very small, ridiculously quiet side road where runners go to do laps because so few people are ever on the road, he bumped straight into Kate and Duncan.
            Kate and Duncan live in Hong Kong, and were passing through Singapore for just a few hours before their connecting flight home from a holiday in Lankawi. Rather than telling anyone that they were in town, they opted to have a quiet dinner, just the two of them.

Dinner at Lukes

Both our plans went out the window, and after a couple of quick catch up drinks we merged our solo dinner plans and had the most elaborate supper at Lukes, which was a real treat.

            Sometimes it’s the nights when you are planning to do very little that turn out to be some of the best!

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