Thursday, 31 October 2013

A different sort of Skype chat

I’ve only ever really used Skype to chat to Nick. I have an account set up with my work details included in it so that, if necessary, I can hold calls with international clients occasionally, but Skype for me has nearly always been about talking nonsense on our weekly catch ups.
            That is, until today. I was Skyping with Singapore, as standard, but this time it was for a third round interview for a company that I am hoping I’ll be able to secure a job with before my move in the New Year.
            Everyone I’ve spoken to has told me that there’s no chance of getting a job signed off until you’re in town and ready to work, but these conversations are progressing nicely and a pretty quickly, so I am fairly confident that, all going well and pending some further consideration, I’ll be able to get myself set up with something ahead of time.
            Fingers, toes, everything is crossed that this Skype chat with a difference will pan out well for me – for now, that’s only hope and positive email chasing that will decide whether I’ve got a lot more work to do over the next few months. 

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