Friday, 15 November 2013

Everything crossed

And I mean everything!
            It’s done – the fourth and final (I very much hope) round of interviewing for a job that it turns out I am grossly under qualified for. So now it’s just a case of cross everything and hope for the best.
            The call went really well – everyone who I have met from this company has been enthusiastic, passionate, interesting and keen to discuss all my ridiculous questions and interests in detail. I’ve left (or hung up on) every interview with a positive feeling, and even yesterday when it was confirmed that they were considering me for a Director role, which is something that I thought I was a good few years away from being ready for, they sounded like they wanted to carry on our conversation further, and to discuss their tech and data solutions (which I had way too many questions about) in more detail.
            They do say that men are more likely to apply for jobs above their experience whilst woman hang back and wait until they feel that they would be suitable for the role, so I suppose I’ve accidentally pushed myself in the man remit with this application. I know that I can do it. I just hope that the executives who I chatted with yesterday can see that too.
            I said that a move to Singapore would be a career grower, and that it was a decision fuelled by emotion but hopefully supported and justified by industry demand and the potential to step up. I just really hope that this job comes through for me, and that I get to both have my cake, and eat it too. Please keep everything crossed for me while I wait…again! 

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