Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Final few days to get through

The past few months have been peppered with the occasional job for the wedding. Buying the odd little thank you present. Working out whether we want to have table numbers in frame or on card. Nothing has been urgent, but the list has been slowly worked through and most of the main bits and pieces have already been finalised.
            The best thing about this is that it makes this final week in Singapore an easy ride. We have a couple of things to finalise, like collecting Nick’s waistcoat and getting a first round of manicure done so that when I get the final one on the day before the wedding the nails are already shaped and ready to go. But other than these little bits and pieces, we are also now left with five days to desperately fill while just counting down the days until we can go to the airport.
            There are lots of soups and salads, hours spent at the gym and emails warning people that soon I won’t be replying to them for three weeks, but those jobs can all only entertain me for so long. The rest of the day gets spent starting at the clock and the calendar, counting down the time as it trickles past. ROLL ON HOME TIME!!!

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