Monday, 16 June 2014

Sticking to the rules

When I moved to Singapore I informed Nick that if I was unable to visit my parents once a month as I did when living in London, then we would have to go away at least once a month to somewhere shiny and exciting to make up for it.
            I have to admit that when I said it was very much joking. However, judging by the plans that we already have in place for the next few months, I think he might have taken me at my word, and there is no way that I am going to try and set him straight!
            When Debbie is in town during June we will be going to explode Bali, then in July we will visit the boys again over in Thailand. For Nick’s 30th birthday we will be back over in Bali and in December we are booked to go to the Gillies before going home for Christmas too. That leaves September, October and November to fill with adventures, although it seems like October is already pencilled in as Hong Kong month, pending confirmation. I had better go and do a bit of internet based research into where else is good to visit at the end of the year I guess!

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