Friday, 23 January 2015

I’m back!

I thought I had finished updating this blog – I kept getting behind on updates and finding myself with weeks of gaps to fill in which was frustrating for readers and meant that I had mountains to catch up on by the time I got a spare moment over the weekend.
            However, following a string of emails asking what’s going on and telling me off for the lack of sharing, I have realised that without this blog there is a lot going on in my life that I forget to tell people about, so perhaps the diary-style blog really is the way forwards after all.
            If I don’t make updates as much as I should then please forgive me for my sloppiness, but hopefully you will enjoy the odd update here and there, and fingers crossed I will have some vaguely fun things to share with you in the coming months.
            Since my last update Nick and I got engaged during a glorious long weekend trip to the Gillis:

We went home for an incredible two week Christmas holiday spent with the family back in the Shire:

We planned the main details of our wedding – the venue, the church, the band and the catering, and I even have a dress on order ready for fitting when I get back in the summer:

Since all the fun and excitement of December, we have returned to Singapore to try and organise the wedding from afar, whilst also doing out best to get back into the good behavior groove (not least as we have a wedding to slim down for, and I have a dress on order that is going to have to fit no matter what!).
            Well, that’s a very basic run down of what you’ve missed over the past month or so. Let’s see if I can drum up any other interesting or exciting news to share with you soon!

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