Saturday, 24 January 2015

Sober weekend entertainment

Since returning from a very boozey and champagne fuelled break at home over Christmas, Nick and I have returned to Singapore and got straight into good behaviour mode. Last weekend the only thing that we had planned in for Sunday was a nice early breakfast with some friends out in a very green and lush part of town.
            We arrived, we ate eggs and salad and then on our way home we accidentally got side-lined by some of the tatt shops in the area, and somehow I came away with a slightly ridiculous jewellery box. It’s a fun and welcome addition to our flat, but I have to admit that when there’s no wine in our weekends, we still seem to find other ways to spend our money! Still, it wasn’t really very expensive at all, and I do think it’s a rather glorious antique!

The latest addition to our random collection of local goodies! 
This weekend we are set to do more of the same. Friday night was spent at an Art After Dark event at the old Gillman Barracks. The building still look as though the army use them for accommodation, but each of the barrack blocks have been transformed into warehouse style art galleries, and with the Art After Dark event going on, it felt like the perfect time to go and check out what they have on offer.

Art After Dark at the Gillman Barracks 

We arrived early and wandered around the galleries for an hour or so. A lot of the art was incredibly modern, and I have to admit that some of it was lost on Nick and I, but we spent some time soaking up the atmosphere, and enjoyed a ginger beer surrounded by food carts and vintage cars whilst listening to live jazz being performed on the balcony of the main barracks building.   
            After a while we stopped off at one of the main restaurants to share a pizza before heading home. We were back at the flat by around 9:30, fed, cultured and so very ready for a cup of tea. Not drinking means that nights which could have gone on for hours end fairly early, but this is good for us as we’re booked in for breakfast with Nick’s friend and his baby pretty early tomorrow. We’re going to need all the sleep preparation that we can get!  

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