Saturday, 10 October 2015

Changes confirmed

Following a week of meetings, planning sessions and of course drinking, it’s been confirmed that my very clever Nick has been promoted to the Head of Asia for his desk!
            This is obviously amazing news in so many ways, and is something that we will have to celebrate a LOT this weekend, but in a very small, selfish way, there is the vague slight negative which means that we’re going to be in Singapore through until next December at the earliest. My two year limit snuck up to 2 and a half a while ago, but now we’re stretching that up and over to a total of 3.

Sunflowers from my boy, and mini Happy Crumbles, just in case the extended stay was too much for me to handle!

Thankfully next year already has a number of weddings and celebrations booked in that I just HAVE to be at home for, and with the wedding all done and dusted by then this buys us one more year of traveling and saving.
            After all, the longer we save, the better out little London house will be when we make it back to the UK.
            So, onwards and upwards. There will be a string of celebrations this weekend to really mark this amazing promotion for Nick, and then I will get into the more important business of planning some amazing weekend trips for next year!

Wine, steak, salami, asparagus, mackerel pate, hummus and halumi! 

Celebration Number One, a Friday night supper at home (Nick has already had a pretty intense week of drinking and entertaining with the boss man in town) consisting of all Nick's favourite foods, somehow including smoked mackerel pate, which is virtually impossible to get your hands on out here!

Happy boy! 

Celebration Number Two, steak! Because when there's an excuse to break with good behaviour, steak and wine is the only way to really do it properly! 

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