Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Lovely day for White Wedding

It’s two months until our wedding. Just two months! Whilst it still feels like the middle of a hazy summer out here thanks to the vile pollution, it’s actually mid-October, which means that it’s just two months away from go time!      
            We have Halloween, fireworks night, a new James Bond, Catherine and Jeff visiting, a weekend in Bali and then we’ll be home and getting married. In two months today! I can’t believe how quickly the past year has gone, or how slowly the last month has clawed it way past.  And just to prove the point, there are red cups creeping into the Starbucks here – it’s nearly Red Cup time too!

Two months!!! And, to add a little excitement, it sounds like the winter is going to be so freaking cold that there is a change (a tiny, baby, mini chance) that it will be cold enough to snow. That really would be a white wedding. Even if there’s no snow, we’re just hoping that if it’s cold enough then it won’t rain, which would be pretty glorious! 

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