Friday, 30 October 2015

Cirque du Soleil!

When Nick was back in the UK without me earlier in the year, tickets for Cirque do Soleil went on sale, and in what I can only assume was a knee-jerk ‘I ought to be out and having fun too’ reaction, I bough two tickets in the most ridiculously expensive section of the big top seating.            
            Thankfully, we are now doing our best to be sober whenever possible, so what better way (other than slobbing on the sofa) to pass a sober Friday night than with a carb-free dinner and an amazing view of the Cirque du Soleil spectacular!
            I have been to a couple of Cirque performances in the past, as has Nick, so whilst we knew what to expect, we were blown away with just how impressive the full set up and show is. Everything from the costumes to the set design is impressive. Then add to that acrobats and strongmen with the occasional clown appearance and it really did make for a very special (and yet well behaved) Friday night!

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