Saturday, 13 June 2015

Progress update

I started dieting properly in early March, having played around with being better behaved up until the last big dinner party that we had arranged at our flat to celebrate Valentines Day.
            Since then there have been plenty of cheat days and excuses to ensure that I am still allowed to get out and about a bit, and to maintain my sanity, but I have been a lot better behaved, and it’s finally starting to notice.
            I have been keeping track of weight loss through measurements as the main focus of this game is to be able to fit into my wedding dress when I go in for a fitting this July, but when I first started being healthier I took a photo of me in the gym to use as encouragement.

This weekend I took a set of photos from the same angle, and you really can start to see the differences now. March is on the left, mid-June is on the right. Now I just have to try and maintain the good behaviour so that by the time we head home to get married in December I am pretty much the same size and I won’t have to panic buy a whole new dress or anything equally as dramatic. 

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