Friday, 26 June 2015

Farewell steak

Another dinner at the flat and another round of steaks to bid Nick farewell can only mean that he is once again returning to the UK on holiday without me. Thankfully, I will be joining him after the weekend, so I can’t sulk about it too much. Plus, making it to steak time means that my mammoth of a week is nearly over, I survived the event this afternoon, and if there was ever a day that I had earned a glass of wine, today was most definitely it.

Having rushed back to the flat to make dinner while Nick packed his bags, we found ourselves with a bit of time to spare before he had to head off to the airport at 9:30, so we used our time wisely, and made a couple of wedding invites to take home and give to our direct family in person. It was in part to practise, partly because I wanted to play with the wedding stamp, sort of because it’s getting close to invite time, but mostly because we though it would be fun to deliver just five of the invites by hand.

There are still a lot more to do when we get back from the UK, and having spent a lot of time making just five of them good enough to send out, I now have a sneaking suspicion that we ought to have started the process sooner, and that I perhaps should have taken some sort of fancy calligraphy class beforehand.

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