Sunday, 1 November 2015

Sober Saturday Sevens

The weekend of good behaviour continues, and this time we have had to deal with the challenges of being at our best throughout a whole day of Rugby Sevens and Halloween. We knew from the start that it was going to be a bit of a challenging day!

Thankfully, I was allowing myself one little treat this weekend, and so I was able to maintain my Halloween tradition of making at least one little Halloween themed goodie to mark the occasion. This year we had very orange crispy cake pumpkins – look how cute they are!
Baking and gym done, we then went and spent the afternoon at the Singapore Rugby Sevens, held on the pitch in front of the Cricket Club where some good friends are members, and so we were able to get smuggled into the best enclosure to see the action from up close.

Nick and I arrived after lunch whilst some of the boys had been there from around 10am. The majority of them were struggling to speak properly by the time we arrived thanks to their beer breakfasts, but it was fun to catch up with them all throughout the afternoon, and it’s incredibly impressive to think that most of them made it all the way through the day to see the kick off of the rugby finals at midnight.
            We did not. We wandered home via the Asian Civilisation Museum, which was holding a special late night Halloween special event (complete with fun lighting shows outside) and were in bed by 10:30.

I could not help but be incredibly smug this morning – waking up feeling pretty healthy after my afternoon drinking soda water and lime!

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