Thursday, 9 July 2015

The Babies!

Since we were back in the UK at Christmas there have been so many changes, most of them to do with the little people and the babies in my life. Alongside wedding planning, the hen and getting ready for Kat’s wedding, one of the most important things for me during this trip was to catch up with all the babies and little people who I haven’t seen in so long!

First time cuddles with Thea

Stephie amazingly brought her crew down to Emsworth for a little duck feeding and lunch throwing session in the sun, which was just lovely! My darling goddaughter Emily is just ridiculously grown up now, and as utterly hilarious as ever. Even more ridiculous was that I had not yet met her sister Thea who is already over half a year old! Duck bread was consumed, plenty of baby cuddles were had, and a lot of lunch was thrown on the floor. It was a glorious catch up!

Emily sharing a little bit of the duck bread

Lizzy’s baby Freddie is now enormous, and is perhaps the most ridiculously happy baby that I have ever met. Jenna and Jennifer’s girls are incredibly big now. Lara is one of the most responsible and well behaved 4 year old in the world, Hettie is just beautiful, Evie has the cutest face ever and baby Zachy, who I was also just meeting for the first time is one very brave boy in a world of girls, and as such he made the very sensible decision of staying asleep for the duration of our adventure to the park.

The little dudes!

As for my nephews – I can’t believe that Charlie is now fully talking and behaving like a real mini-person. He’s grown so much since we were last back, it’s just unreal! And Max. What a glorious munchkin he is. The boy loves to eat, and you can tell, but he has the cheekiest little Porter face that I have ever seen, and he’s so ridiculously chilled out. He’s like a mini-grown up too, just watching the world go by and thigh slapping when he finds something really hilarious. What a cracking little chap!

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