Sunday, 19 July 2015

A lovely long weekend

As a little bit of a “Welcome Back” treat, Singapore very kindly laid on a public holiday last Friday, and as such we got to make the most of a lovely three day week, closely followed by a three day weekend!

Impressive flowers with Friday's dinner

Sadly, whilst Nick is still working to have enough holiday days to actually get married this Christmas he had to go into work for a short day, but I spent Friday morning on a lovely (sweaty) green hike with Liv up and around the Southern Ridges. This is a walk that I did when I very first moved to Singapore, but haven’t done again since, so it was nice to stretch our legs and get a little bit of ‘fresh’ air for a while.
            There followed a super healthy lunch of chicken and pumpkin salad, and then, having regrouped with Nick, a considerably less healthy dinner at ChopSuey. We are both putting ourselves onto a serious healthy eating campaign again from Monday morning, so we just wanted to ensure that we had ticked all the boxes needed to be 100% ready for the next five months of boredom! Thankfully, everything from the decorations and drinks to the food was absolutely amazing, and Liv to make us a merry band of three, we had a great evening just catching up and trying to adjust to the ridiculously heat.

Lunch at Artichoke!

The rest of the weekend was quite a bit better behaved. I woke up around five hours before Nick, and so by the time he got up I had booked us in for a vegan lunch, a sandwich dinner at one of my favourite delis, and the cinema to see Ant-Man. I have no idea if Nick wanted to do any of the above, but I made reservations for all of them, so he just had to lump it!

Lazyboys and duvets at the cinema

Sunday was then low key and relaxed. There was a little bit of shopping (stocking up on veggies and fish) and then there was a bit of a nap and not much else. It was glorious, and I am now 100% ready for my 6am start for the gym tomorrow. At least I really hope I am! 

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