Thursday, 24 September 2015

Hari Raya also known as The Day of Wedmin

This year we have been really lucky with most of the Singapore public holidays. Almost all of them have fallen on either a Monday or a Friday, which has made for plenty of glorious long weekends (unlike last year when the majority were silly mid-week days off).
            There are just two that do not fit in nicely alongside the weekend. One coming up in November, and Hari Raya, which was Thursday.
             A lot of our Singapore friends headed home to the UK for the long weekend – it seems there was a flurry of weddings this week, and then with a number of the boys being lucky enough to get tickets to the Rugby World Cup, that left just a small handful of us here in Singapore. The result being that Hari Raya was a gloriously empty and very chilled out day.

Wedmin - go go go!
Nick had volunteered for a day of “wedmin”, and that is precisely what he got. In the few hours that we set aside for wedding planning we sorted out our table names, we completed a load of paperwork for the venue and our photographer, we followed up with suppliers on some points that we have left unsorted for a little bit too long and we generally made it a lot further through out To Do List, which was ideal.

A narrow escape

Things very almost went off the rails when we went out to buy healthy supplies for dinner and we got distracted by the newly opened Hamleys, where Scalextrics was on sale and Nick was desperate for a new toy. Somehow we managed to keep ourselves on the straight and narrow and returned home with nothing other than salmon and salad, but after such a productive morning, it was a close shave!


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