Friday, 18 September 2015

Desperate to escape

This week I have been shattered. I’ve had 5:30 wake up alarms set for endless calls with the States, I’ve had never ending days at work thanks to two of our super senior Americans being in town and requiring endless meetings, training sessions and client facing events, and I’ve been struggling to get to sleep because my brain just won’t turn off.
            All in all it’s been a bit of a tough week, and we’re not finished yet. The idea of a full weekend of entertaining guests is filling me with dread at the moment, but before then, we had evening events and sessions to survive with the team.
            Following the success of our last Escape Room efforts, we decided that nothing builds team spirit quite like being locked in a room together with minimal supplies, and a time limit to escape in.

The following day promised to be pretty intense, with the full day set aside for team training (kicking off at 8 and running straight through to 6 with lunch even being served at the table so that we couldn’t leave), so after a fairly quick dinner we managed to escape for home in pretty good time so that I could clean our flat from top to bottom before a full day of training and then the arrival of our guests in the evening.
            It’s going to be a very long weekend!

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