Monday, 30 November 2015

American Buddies

After my first few posts about the American’s visit everything in my world got a little bit busy and I missed out a couple of instalments. I blame the fact that I had to prep the office for a new boss and get an awful lot of work done on a short week when I kept leaving the office at 4pm to ensure that we had ample time for play dates in the evenings. 
            To make up for it there are going to be two very brief photo heavy updates to share all the fun and adventures in one fell swoop. Instalment number one is filled with the last day in Singapore. While Nick had to head off for a work event after work we set ourselves up for a bit of a geeky evening. We started by eating all the dim sum we could physically fit into our bodies, then we went to 28 Hong Kong Street, one of the top ten bars in the world (apparently), and we rounded off the day with a trip to the Night Safari, where we of course forced Catherine to wear giraffe ears all the way around, and she loved it! 
Geeking it up at the Night Safari 

Banana, peanut butter, bacon and flowers - Catherine cocktail of choice

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