Saturday, 29 August 2015

Recovery and culture

I have been utterly shattered all week. So much so that this Friday I came straight home from work and was sleep on the sofa by 9pm. As such, Saturday was set aside as a bit of a low-key recovery day.

Coffee and half a shandy for lunch

Although I was unable to have a lie-in (story of my life), I did manage to do pretty much nothing all morning, up until around 11am when Nick woke up and we headed out to see an amazing exhibition by the Straits Times newspaper, looking back over the 50 year history of Singapore.
            There were some amazing photos that showed exactly how Singapore would have looked when my Grandad were here, and it really couldn’t have been more different. I can't imagine how he made sense of Singapore when I showed him photos of the more recent city!

After a causal lunch in the sun, our afternoon then involved quite a bit of napping before we headed back out to take a tour around the Singapore Night Festival. Held on the university campus around five minutes from our flat we really had no excuse not to stop in and see what was going on. Light shows, exhibits, food stalls and live music. Singapore doesn’t do much culture, but when it does, it does warm weather outdoor activities the best! 

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