Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Invites are on their way

It was starting to feel like we have had our wedding invite hanging around for ages – which is because we really had! Having confirmed all the main details at Christmas, we got the invites ordered and delivered at the start of the year (thank you January sales) and have had them hidden away ever since.
            First they went to Nick’s work for safety, following both fire and flood at our flat, we were worried about having to get a brand new load ordered following the famine / plague / whatever else we might have had to deal with.  

Momentous occasion, gross photo!

Thankfully, the flat related disasters have dried up (for now at least), so before our trip back to the UK the invites came back to the flat so that we could get our hand-delivered options ready to take back with us, and then after a couple of early weekend mornings spent addressing, stamping and sealing, today was the day.
            Our selection international invites eventually made it to the post box this morning (a few days later than planned as I didn’t wan to risk posting them in a leaking mail box on a stormy day). So that it’s – they are on their way. Now we just have to hope that Singapore and UK mail does us proud and that they all make it in one piece!

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