Monday, 18 January 2016

Back on good behaviour – and it feels disappointingly good

After a good month or so celebrating being able to eat absolutely anything I liked without the threat of a wedding dress that might not fit at the end of it, we’re trying to do ourselves a favour and get back into good behaviour.
Whilst we have had a glorious time, we both agree that we feel a whole lot better when we’re only naughty on occasional days rather than all the time, so my alarm goes off at 6:30am three days a week again, to allow for an hour in the gym, and on any nights when we’re not out and about, we’re gymming and eating veggies.   

Soup for dinner used to feel like a bit of a trudge, but now that we know it’s just excusing some amazing meal later in the week, its much more manageable. A life of balance. Hmm, let’s see how we get on!

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