Monday, 4 January 2016

Erin’s Hen (part one)

My lovely Erin is getting married this year! I can’t believe that the time is flying past so very, very quickly - it seems like hardly any time at all since she arrived in Singapore, armed with a great big sparkler and a lot of plans yet to be made. 
            Whilst there will be a big hen celebration in London later in January (the details of which I can’t yet reveal as it will be a surprise for Erin right up to the day), we wanted to make sure that there was at least one celebration that I was able to attend, so we sandwiched in a sneaky little low key hen during my trip back over Christmas.
            We took the ladylike approach, setting Erin up with a small amount of hen swag and then spending the rest of the day relaxing with massages, treatments, bubbles, afternoon tea and plenty of endless chatter. It was low key (as I think we all needed so close to the end of Christmas), and so it was a glorious chilled out celebration, which will be a stark contrast to what’s coming later this month, but it was just so lovely to be able to spend some proper quality time with my girls, and to make sure that Erin was well and truly pampered. I will be sad to miss the next round of celebrations, but the plans are laid and I've done all I can to make it as perfect as possible. Now I will just have to sit back and wait for the photos of the fun to start rolling in!

The beautiful hen, brunching!

A whole day spend in robes and slippers - luxury!

"Bride to Be"

Erin's uniform for the day 

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