Friday, 15 January 2016

IKEA love and Italian carbs

It’s January, so I like to think that it’s time to have a clear out and get your house and life in line. The way that we have decided to kick-start this process is by getting new balcony furniture in order to ensure that we’re able to continue hosting our 6 people dinner parties without any accidents (the old chairs were falling through the bottom, and were adding an element of danger to two diners at each party we hosted!).
            IKEA is something of a happy place to me, I think it’s because you can get so much for so little. Seeing as we’re only planning a year or so out here, we didn’t go overboard, but we did have a glorious time wandering through and pointing out potentials for future consideration.
            Once were all stocked up on goodies then it was time to head home and work out what to have for dinner. We have list of places that we had to avoid like the plague when we were being properly well behaved, but now that we’re trying to ease back into real life, we’re slowly ticking them off, one by one.

This time around was the Italian restaurant underneath the Singapore Art Museum, Trattorai Lafiandra, which smells amazing every time I walk past the door, and which did not disappoint one little bit.

            Very reasonably priced red wine, a bowl of delicious pasta and a great super crispy pizza did us very well, and confirmed our suspicions that this might very quickly become one of our favourite carb refuelling stations in the very near future.

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