Monday, 3 November 2014

Booked for Hong Kong!

Between now and our return to Christmas there are only a handful of weekends left to fill, and with the next two being spent in the States, and another already booked up for our Gillies trip, it seems a little silly to say that we’ve decided to fill one of the few reminding weekends with a trip to Hong Kong. But we have!
            Flights are booked, and we’ll be jetting out the weekend after I get back from the States at the end of November. In fact, Nick will be jetting out for work two days earlier for golfing, lunches, meetings and a dinner or two, but I’ll be joining him on Friday afternoon, and I can’t wait.
            One of my aunties is from Hong Kong, so it’s somewhere that I’ve always been interested in, and have always wanted to see for myself. Very exited about this little weekend adventure!

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