Friday, 7 November 2014

Tense turn around time…

28 hours later, and I am finally where I need to be. It’s been a long, uncomfortable, delayed journey across the globe, but I am finally drinking tea and squishing Baby Rae in Reno! And there's seasons here! Look how pretty it is!

After an hour and a half delay in Hong Kong (which included 25 minutes sitting on the plane, 
waiting to take off), I was pretty tense. My already tight two hour turn around time was pretty much gone, and there was no way that I was going to be able to get through the US boarder passport control (which always takes at least 40 minutes to complete), back through security and onto the plane in time. I was sad, grumpy and disappointed that my 11am arrival time into Reno was going to be pushed back until the next possible plane could take me out of San Fran (at around 8pm that evening).
            Thankfully (sort of – it’s good to look for a silver lining after all!) when I touched down in San Fran and was in the process of running (yes, running – me!) through the crowds to passport control I received a text update to inform me that my next flight was delayed by an hour too. RESULT! I would have just enough time to rush through the airport and get to my gate with seconds to spare. Ideal!
            Sadly, there was another hour or so added to the delay time as I made my way to the gate, but I can’t complain! I was in Reno by 3pm, and as I struggled out of the airport with my ridiculous stash of carry on bags (a deliberate move to reduced transfer time in San Fran, but one that would have been a lot more sensible if my bag had wheels!) Catherine was there to meet me, and my lovely Reno weekend got off to a lovely start!

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