Sunday, 30 November 2014

Ready for Christmas

We only had two weekends left in the flat before we head home for Christmas, so although it was only the end of November this weekend, I broke all my usual rules, and we set the full weekend aside for Christmas activities.
            Starting straight after work on Friday afternoon we headed down to Orchard Road (Singapore’s equivalent of Oxford Street) to gather as many sparkly and fir tree inspired decorations as we could carry. It turns out that whilst Singapore does Christmas slightly wrong (lights are pink rather than white, red or green) and exotic flowers are often included in their winter evergreen arrangements, but they don’t half love to try!
            Orchard Road could not have physically held another string of Christmas lights, another Christmas tree or any more sparkly reindeer. It was boiling hot and pretty sweaty, but it was super Christmassy, and it was a little bit glorious!

One we were all stocked up with Christmas treats the rest of our weekend passed in a fairly glorious blur of turkey dinners (Thanksgiving with some American buddies) and mince pies (because they’re fabulous).

It’s still a bit too early to start packing for the trip home, but my bags are out and my winter clothes have all be flung over them – it’s getting very, very close to Christmas time! 

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