Sunday, 9 November 2014

Cowboy boots and Red Cups

In celebration of being back with the family, of being back in cowboy land, and of being in a world of clear cut seasons where it’s cold outside and the trees change colour at the end of the year, this weekend was mostly characterised by cowboy boots and Starbucks Red Cups (the first of the year!).
            We spent the weekend participating in early nights, tea drinking, and playing with Baby Rae, who seems to take a ridiculous amount of pleasure in taking everything out (and putting some of it back) into my purse.  There was also a really fun morning at an apple festival to celebrate that fact that there’s seasons in California, and to take advantage of the amazing apple cider, apple donuts and apple syrup that they sell out of the farm shop style stores on each of the participating orchards.
            In brief, as usual, I’m going to totally cheat on this blog post by using photos rather than words to share a couple of the main highlights! In summary, we did this:
Wandering around the outside mall while Jeff shopped for  exciting things like wood and nails

Shamelessly trying out the massage chairs

Cowboy boots love! 

Wild West adventures in Old Virginia Town

Apple celebrations on some Californian orchards 

Red Cups in the cold are the best!

Pooch! I miss this face!

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