Friday, 7 November 2014

To the States!

Empty airport

Well here I am. It’s 4am and I am at the airport with all the other broken looking people, waiting to get started on the first leg of my journey. Over the next 24 hours I will fly from Singapore to Hong Kong, then following a three hour layover I will fly 12 hours to San Francisco airport on a plane that doesn’t have inbuilt TVs for each seat, so I have to rely on my devices for entertainment, before a very short transfer window to get me on another plane over to Reno.
            So, all going well, and assuming that none of my planes are running late so I actually manage to get on my connecting flight, I am looking at 24 hours in transit, starting now.
            God I hope I make it onto the Reno flight in time, otherwise it’s likely that I will be stuck at the airport for the best part of a day, wasting time until they can get me on another flight out of there and adding another 8 hours or so to my travel time.      
            Ergh, wish me luck!

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