Thursday, 26 March 2015

Basic planning continues

Whilst I am pretty adamant that wedding plans are on hold until our trip back in July (for fear of over planning too early and ruining all the fun!) I have been entertaining myself with the odd bits and pieces along the way.
            Over the past few weeks a couple of smaller bits and pieces have been ticked off the list. A sparkly tablecloth that will compliment Erin’s amazing cake has been order, and my shoes have been delivered to the house too, ready for me to check them out when I am back in July.
            Progress is slow and steady, but it’s been fun to have a few things in the back of my mind for thinking about whenever I have a few spare minutes. Sadly, first and foremost is still the diet plan, which we still have a good few months to work on. When I originally bought The Dress, which needs to fit me by July it was three inches too small on the bust, and seven inches on the waist. Yes, really! Thankfully we’re now back down to just 1.5inches to lose on the bust and 3inches on the waist.
            Veggies and gym will need to be continuing for the foreseeable future, but I’m getting there slowly.

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