Saturday, 7 March 2015

Friday night blues

For some reason, despite having a nice lunch out with the lovely Jules, and being able to sneak away from work a little early because its Friday afternoon and that means that the weekend ought to start as early as possible, last night I was sat in an almighty grump!
            Nothing would help. I didn’t need sleep. I didn’t particularly want to eat. I didn’t want to be in the house, but I also didn’t want to be out of the house. For some reason, everything was just wrong! I assume it’s just the impact of good behaviour being a little tedious now that I’m a month in, but I can’t be sure.
            The evening passed in a fairly uninspiring blur of me being miserable, and Nick trying his best to help. Dinner was chicken salad, and our entertainment was a few episodes of Parks and Recreation (my new happy place) and then Sliding Doors, the fairly old Gwyneth Paltrow movie. Nothing really helped though, so after dinner and a cup of tea, it was time for bed to try and sleep the misery off.
            It was only the next day, once I was back in fairly good form that I realised I had been a total fool. I knew what I needed all along, I just hadn’t been able to put my finger on it. It was a Happy Crumble day, but I had missed all the signs!
            There’s no Happy Crumble in the freezer at the moment, so my emergency supply is completely empty. I need to resolve this, asap! 

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