Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Skyping and swimming

Early morning meetings do have some perks!

The past few days have been very well behaved as I try and make up for a couple of slip-ups last weekend! The boat trip was great fun, but with non-stop drinks on offer and a lot of food available from the BBQ, it definitely wasn’t on my Wedding Dress Diet Plan.
            The result of this is that there is very little fun or exciting news for me to share yet this week. I’ve been in our condo gym from 6:30 every morning, I’ve been walking to and from work (often a lot earlier than I would like due to plenty of 8am calls to power me on through), I’ve been swimming each night, and there have been nothing but veggies on offer for dinner. All in all, it’s been coming together pretty well, so I just hope that I can run these intentions throughout the weekend too.

When I say it's veggies for dinner, I really do mean it!

As one little burst of entertainment, last night I did have a Skype booked in with the lovely Erin, so whilst she was hiding out in a meeting room at her office we caught up on all the most important things – her birthday, her new braces, our wedding cake (she’s going to be baking and decorating it for us, which is just incredible!!). It was a lovely girly chat, lasting us all the way through to my battery dying, but it certainly powered me through the rest of the day.
            In addition to this, Nick returned from work with a lovely bunch of flowers for me too! Whenever there are sunflowers in the shop near to Nick's office, I get a lovely little bunch to make our flat a little bit more beautiful. What a good boy he is!

Sunflower celebrations! 

All in all, other than these little treats, it’s been rather dull, incredibly sedate few days. But, it’s good for me, and being in recovery to try and make up for a naughty day or two always makes me feel better (and ever so slightly smug).
            Tonight and tomorrow I’m mixing up the post-work swimming for some gym classes, but otherwise the best behaviour continues. Onwards and upwards!

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