Thursday, 19 March 2015

Comfort eating without breaking the rules

After a shocking day of two of just wanting to go home, last night required some urgent action to make it all a bit more bearable.
            Step one, I decided that it was time to have slightly more calories for dinner to power me through with a bit more enthusiasm - couldn’t have Karen arriving to a depressive and negative host now, could I?
            Still keeping well within the daily target (Karen's trip will right this weekend off for my good intentions entirely!), dinner last night was a complete mountain of the closest thing I can get to comfort food at the moment.  Nick arrived home to a giant stack of courgette and corn fritters, topped with smoked salmon pate (made from low fat sour cream) and a topping of cucumber, with an extra piles of greens on the side too, just for good measure.

I was stuffed by the end of it, but took it one step further with baked nectarine topped with a piece of melted black chocolate and a little bit of frozen yogurt.
            It wasn’t Happy Crumble, or mum’s smoked haddock fish pie, but it was close enough to help. Thank God!
            Another little glimmer on my horizon came home with Nick, in the form of the following piece of paper.

It took me a while to work out (I didn’t work it out – I made Nick explain it to me), but the basic version is that he has a stack of airmile points that he has now shared with my passport number too, so if the need gets bad enough, there’s a sort-of free flight home under my name if I need it.
            He’s such  good boy!

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