Saturday, 1 March 2014

While the cat's away

I suppose that this weekend, while Nick is in Thailand for “work”, playing golf and getting drunk on expenses with his old boss, his colleague and his Big Boss from London (it’s a hard life), I ought to be using the free house to do all sorts of fun and exciting things, like throwing a drunken house party or something, but that doesn’t seem to be how my weekend is going to pan out.  
            With Nick away and not worrying about the lack of entertainment in my life (he worries when I am not out and busy for at least 80% of the day), I am pretty excited about having a full weekend to do what I love to do with my Saturdays – it’s time to clean!
Tekka Market success
            Along with a couple of plans (a night out with some girls, a couple of Skype sessions home and a Chinese Wedding Lunch on Sunday) I am going to spend this weekend doing some serious work in the apartment gym and pool, cleaning the flat from top to bottom, buying healthy food from Tekka Market, my new happy place, maybe making some healthy dinners to freeze for midweek, buying frames to finally finish off making the flat more homely and maybe getting some reading and film watching done too – the 100 books and film lists are coming on nicely, but they can always do with a helping hand!
            It’s not going to be crazily exciting, but it’s going to be cracking way to spend the weekend, especially as I will be in San Francisco for the next three weekends.  

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