Friday, 25 July 2014

6 month marker

I have now officially been living in Singapore for a full 6 months (which I didn’t notice, but Nick remembered and arranged for us to go out for lovely dinner to celebrate)!
            We marked the occasion with dinner at one of my favourite restaurants, PS Café. They have three outlets in Singapore, but I’ve only ever been to one of these, so we branched out last night and went to their city offering which is a fabulous blend of Paris and colonial architecture, with a brilliant western menu and fantastic service (something that is disappointingly hard to find in Singapore!).
            While we made our way through treats like cheese and truffle toasties with tomato soup dip, and a glass of bubbles to help the celebrations, we thought back about what we’ve done in the last six months.
            In the time that I’ve been here I’ve started a new job, been to Thailand twice, travelled over 24 hours to get to the US, crossed the equator for the first time ever when we went to Bali, have spent sunny weekends in both Penang and Batam, we’ve hosted Debbie as a two week guest (and Stu for two nights) and we’ve even been home for a week to celebrate Alex and Jess’ wedding.
            It’s been a manic, busy and sometimes slightly tricky time, but looking back at it, it’s absolutely flown by! And not just that, but living in Singapore for 6 months also means that I’ve lived with a boy for 6 months – and I’ve survived! Success!

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