Thursday night is probably supposed to be dancing and drinking night,
but as the first free evening in weeks my Thursday evening was a recovery
I practically ran home
from my last meeting of the day, ready for dinner at home and a night on the
sofa. I threw together a pasta bake with asparagus on the side, and I chucked
the duvet on the sofa – domestic goddess that I am. I then donned by pyjamas
(yup, well before 7pm) and I nestled down to waste an entire evening with
Nick arrived home at
around half seven with a girly magazine that he got free with his sandwich, and
a little bunch of flowers because you never get sunflowers over here, and
because they are my favourite. Who says romance is dead, eh?
Dinner was annihilated,
The 40 Year Old Virgin was on the TV, and by 9:30 I was drinking tea in bed
with my eyes dropping while Nick watched a couple of old episodes of Black
Books. Living the dream over here in
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