Sunday, 31 August 2014


Sports Fans!

When I heard that you could go and watch the Singapore Slingers professional basketball team for a grand total of around $15 (that’s less than a tenner a ticket), I was obviously going to sign up for tickets as quickly as possible.

Dining room chairs for the court side seats, and less than half full seating
Sadly, as the games are only held on Sundays and we have been pretty busy recently it took us until the second to last game of the season to get there, and what a game it was! The Slingers were on the back foot for most of the game, but they won it back beautifully in the last three minutes (which lasted for about half an hour), eventually securing a win and getting them through to the finals!

Despite the stands being only half fun (it felt a bit like watching a secondary school game), the crowd was pretty vocal in their support, and although most of the crowds found the Singaporean attempts as cheerleaders a little confusing, there was a great game atmosphere. Singapore basketball fans really are proper fans, which is incredibly refreshing.
         The icing on the cake of this bizarre and incredibly ‘local’ event was that we got to get out pictures taken with the team mascots at half time. They were a little bit creepy, and I am certain that they scared most of the children in the crowd, but we go hugs and very Asian photos as an award for braving their oddly disturbing faces.

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