Thursday, 30 April 2015

Intensive day of avoiding the muffin basket

Each quarter we arrange for a day of training sessions and presentations amongst our little team of eight. We catch up on things that have been going on both locally and internationally, and we work out what we need to be doing in the next business quarter to help with growth and development.

Yesterday was this training day, and I quickly realised that, having organised and arranged most of the event, the most challenging thing for me was going to be spending an entire day in a room filled with treats, cakes and muffins. Even the fruit platter that I ordered was covered in biscuits and treats.
            I’m just pleased that this time we didn’t have to do a full session staying at the hotel and taking up more than one day. I am not sure that I could have handled the pressure for more than the one day at a time! I’ve been dreaming about blueberry muffins with a jam centre ever since! 

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