Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Our mutual marathon, neither of which involved running

Yesterday Nick and I both participated in our very own versions of non-running-related marathons.
For Nick, tomorrow is the official global release date for the second Avengers movie, which apparently I ought to be a lot more excited about. To celebrate this, he and Kev booked themselves in for an Avengers cinema marathon that would ensure they were the first to see the film in Singapore. After a man-date dinner at my favourite Jewish deli (not jealous at all…much) they made their way to watch both movies back to back, with the newest one starting at midnight.
He got back to the flat at 3am, and has already booked to go again next week so that he can see it in the luxury of the Platinum class cinema near our house. This means that I also get to go this time, and he gets to watch the first one again this weekend so that I am entirely up to speed and ‘get’ all the references. I think he’s having a lot of fun with this game!
Whilst Nick and Kev were out enjoying a cinema marathon, after a gym session and a quick dinner I participated in an epic reading marathon to finally get me to the end of Midnight’s Children, by Salman Rushdie. Sometimes there are books that just don’t work well in my head, and this was one of those. It was a struggle to get through, every time I picked it up it felt like a chore to even read one page, and there have been a fair few false starts in the past, as I couldn’t make it through the first few pages.
But thanks to an empty flat, the pressure of a fast approaching birthday and desperation to just get it over and done with, I’ve finally made it! It was the last book on my Top 100 list, and this means that I get another tick on the 30-Before-30 List. Progress has certainly slowed down, but I’m getting there in babysteps!

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