Monday, 6 April 2015

It's all about the greens

This weekend was not a great few days for my good behaviour efforts. I won’t say that I have undone all the good work, but the best intentions certainly took a bit of a whack. So in an effort to get back on track and minimise the impact of the damage this week is going to have to be very heavy on the veggies.
            This Friday and Saturday are likely to be relatively naughty again, as we’re staying away from the flat for both nights. With dinner at Marina Bay Sands on Friday and a picnic train dinner on Saturday night, I highly doubt that it’s going to be a salad type of occasion on either day.
            Still, Monday to Friday on good behaviour will help at least a bit, so I shall start the week as I mean to go on (for as long as possible). There was broccoli for lunch and a veggie soup for dinner. That’s a good strong start, now let’s just see if I can maintain it for the next few days…

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