What with entertaining visitors, my birthday
and just my general enthusiasm about being off the best-behaviour-wagon for a
while, today was another shocker for the healthy eating efforts. Whilst I have
been fairly good at boycotting brunches as much as possible in the past, over the
past few weeks it has been tricky to opt out of all the plans that other people
are making, and so this Sunday was set aside as the final day of excessive
eating and any drinking between now and our trip back to the UK in a months time.
preparation for brunch I spent a good hour and a half in the gym this morning,
listening to back to back episodes of The Archers (my latest podcast obsession)
whilst riding bikes and running up hills as fast as I could manage.
I was nearly dead, it was time for a quick shower and change, and then we made
our way to Raffles for a great big brunch / lunch with some of the guys.
did pretty well at bidding farewell to our naughty-eating habits, making the
most out of all the amazing food on offer, but I am pleased to say that when everyone
else jumped in a taxi and made their way to the next place for more drinks Nick
and I headed home for swim, a cup of tea, and to get cracking on our wedding
five months of not really talking about the wedding at all, we’re finally
starting to make a few firm plans ready for our trip back in July when we’re
going to need to have made a pretty hefty dent in most of the jobs. Readings
have now been chosen, along with hymns and music for the church. It was a very
productive day for us, and thankfully we decided to have a little wedding
planning session just in the nick of time, while drinking a glass of bubbles
was entirely acceptable and not against any healthy living rules!