Friday, 8 May 2015

Work Awards

If there is one thing that the media industry loves, it’s an awards ceremony. When I was working in London these would be excuses for getting dressed up and having a great night out with all your work buddies. In Singapore, because the industry is so new, but all the main event companies still insist on having the same number of events, and because the locals don’t like drinking, socialising or generally not being at their laptops, attending award evenings here are quite a bit more of a struggle.    

This week, with most of our team in and out of the country for events there was only three of us in town and able to attend the event this Thursday. Unfortunately our US team had felt it necessary to book a table of ten for us without letting us know until the week of the event, even though there are loads of international events pulling everyone out of the country for the week.
            We managed to fill the table, but it was a long evening, spent with a lot of other people’s clients who I had never met before. The only thing that I was incredibly thankful for was that the actual presentation of the awards only lasted for around an hour, so by 10:30 I was able to avoid hanging around too late and I could get back home. When you wake up at 6:30 to go to the gym before work, a sober  evening doesn’t get much later than that!

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