Thursday, 7 May 2015

The days are ticking on

This week has been a busy one at work and a quiet one in life. With Nick out of town enjoying all his home comforts I have been in Singapore trying to get as much done as I can. It’s been a pretty manic week, but I am very excited about the fact that we’re already at Thursday evening on my side of the world.
Sadly, being super busy doesn’t really mean that I have all that much to show for my efforts. There has been gym sessions each morning (thank goodness for only one more to go) classes in the evenings and a lot of vegetables have been consumed.
            In a break from my slightly depressing routine, Tuesday was the 5th May, or Cinco de Mayo for the Mexicans, which I have adopted from the Americans and now use as an excuse for Mexican food at least once a year. With the wedding dress diet in full flow a burrito was sadly off the menu, but chilli made with chicken mince was the next best thing, and I suppose it just about filled the spot.  I was chosen as the employee of the month on Monday at our weekly meeting, so I figured a little treat was in order.

On Wednesday we went out for a work lunch and I ate a salad with nothing exciting in it other than crab, which really isn’t my favourite. Luckily, we were at a sushi bar, and I don’t care for sushi either, so at least I didn’t have to miss out on steak or anything exciting like that! I also discovered that my boss in the US handed in his noticed on Tuesday, and has already left the company, so that was a bit of a speedy exit from him, but I can’t say that I’m sad to see him go. Onwards and upwards!

Today I have spent around two hours (which included a meeting and a phone call) trying to recover from a bout of hiccups randomly brought about by eating a carrot after my quick lunch with Jules in which I picked really badly and ended up hardly eating any of.  It turns out work calls with hiccups are hard to take seriously, but at lest it was with a girl that I know quite well, so it definitely could have been worse.
            Now it’s just a few hours until the end of the day. Tonight I have to take a break from the gym and attend an awards ceremony with some clients. We have a table of ten booked and at the moment only two people from my company are going, so there are lots of people to entertain, and none of them are my everyday clients. It’s going to be an evening very much at work, but all going well we might actually win something, so fingers crossed!
Awards ceremonies in London are hugely exciting – you plan for them from weeks before, everyone goes for drinks at around 4pm in preparation, sometimes you might get your hair done before you go just to make sure you really are as ready as you can be. In Singapore, awards ceremonies are always quite dry, slightly dull, and always end the minute people are permitted to leave. You’re more likely to see a table of people all on their phones and laptops while they’re waiting for the announcements to start rather than networking or talking to each other. They just don’t have the same buzz or excitement out here! Still, once it’s done it will very nearly be Friday! Onwards!

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