In a week that has been dominated with the gym (morning and night),
eating healthy food (apart from when Tommy came for dinner on Tuesday and we
felt the need for a cheesy, bacon, chicken concoction) I had a little burst of excitement
Having just gotten back
from the gym and thrown some dinner together, I was slowly getting my life in
order and ready for bed when I got a FaceTime call from Tom, Katya and MAX!
Max is the newest addition to the team, and whilst he mostly just ate
and slept while we chatted, he’s already one of my favourites! It’s very hard
to be over in Singapore, too far away to meet him properly, and on a very
strict waiting time until I get to play, but it was great to see him up close
and personal, and he’s utterly gorgeous.
I want to go home
noooooooow! The replacements for Happy Crumble are still happily in the freezer
at the moment, but I have a nasty feeling they won’t make it all the way
through to Christmas. This week has been a hard one, and one that might well
need Happy food at some point.
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