Sunday, 5 October 2014

Hanging out at Fatty's

It’s a public holiday here on Monday, so after a lovely dinner with Jules last night, and an early start today to get my hair sorted out, we had a fabulous free Saturday stretching ahead of us like a complete freebie day!
            Seeing as Charlie and Steve will be arriving with us next weekend, today was allocated for nothing much, but with the plan that I would get their sheets washed and the flat cleaned at some point during the day, perhaps followed with a lovely dinner somewhere near to the flat.
            Stage one of my day was very successful, my hair was fixed, I’d made a very tasty breakfast and by around 4pm the flat had been scrubbed from top to bottom, the fridge had been restocked and I was ready for guests.
            Then, stage two of the day which was intended to be a relaxing dinner somewhere close to home and easy for a chilled dinner. That plan went entirely out of the window. Having heard from Liv and Flash that they were planning a dinner out at a local curry house that I have wanted to try out for ages, we inevitably wanted to join in this game.
            The night started at their flat having a couple of drinks in the sun. This sounds like a nice way to begin the evening, but knowing that Liv is incapable of making a gin and tonic that doesn’t burn all the way down, we should have known that this was a slightly aggressive start to the night.
            In the end, we had a group of eight hungry boys and two slightly tipsy girls, looking forward to trying out a great curry at Mustard. Sadly, we were a bit too strong on numbers, and so the dream of Mustard flew out of the window, and instead we made our way to a very English style Chinese called Wing Seong Fatty's (also quite near to the flat) where the boys could get comfort food by the bucket load, and for not too much money.

Making our way between venues during the evening 
When you get Chinese food in Singapore you can’t order any of the classics – sweet and sour chicken, chicken chow mein, Singapore noodles, all the best things - the British and Americans totally made those up, so you struggle to find the sort of food that you would have had a home, unless you come here.          
            So there was food, a lot of food, and a fair bit more beer consumed during the dinner, which then lead to us heading over to Arab Street, and eventually, dancing in the middle of a jazz bar. What had been planned as a lovely chilled out evening ended at around 3am. Drunk. Oops! 

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