Tuesday, 3 February 2015

A comic leaving shindig

This week is the last week in our office for Shirley, a half American half Hong Kong girl who moved from the San Francisco office out to Singapore to see how she likes living in Asia, and who decided that after two years she had her answer, and it was not a positive one.
            In my role of Cultural Ambassador for our team (which basically means I have to do all the work normally undertaken by a marketing department and an Office Manager), I was responsible for arranging all her leaving presents, events and drinks. As requested, there has been a team lunch, a Tiffany necklace bought with pennies donated by the rest of the team, a giant card has been purchased and signed by all, and supplies for a huge desk decoration have been purchased and handed to a responsible member of the team to ensure that they are in place on her last morning in the office when I will be out playing in the Thai sunshine.

Dinner with a view

To celebrate her leaving we had a lunch of dimsum a few days ago when the whole team were in, and then again today the team who are not in the US (six of our eight) went out for dinner and then spent the rest of the evening at a surprisingly funny comedy night.
            Asians trying their hand at stand up comedy can have some seriously mixed results, but whilst there was maybe just one little failure on the night, the rest of the line up was brilliant. Hilarious, cleverly done and with a little local twist that you probably have to live here to understand, but that were really very funny if you got the jokes.

Comedy in action!
I have been to comedy in Singapore once before, and it was really good, but it was an Australian comedian, so that could easily have had something to do with this. This was a great night out though, and a very fun way to pass a random Tuesday evening. Definitely something that I could potentially consider doing again in the future!

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