Monday, 9 February 2015

Back to reality

In a scene horribly reminiscent of the burning aircon units that awaited our return from our Christmas at home, the latest surprise waiting for us following a rush to get home in time for some much needed sleep before another working week got started, was a flat under three inches of water, and as a result, at least 1cm of mould.
            At some point during the four days of our trip to Thailand, a pipe under our kitchen sink (that was supposedly ‘fixed’ a week ago) had burst and started leaking boiling hot water into our flat. This would have caused enough damage as it is, but added to the fun, all our windows were shut and there was no ventilation of any type for the time we were away.
As such, we returned to a flat that was hotter and more humid than a steam room, which mould on everything from our bedding to the sofa, streams of water running down the walls, and something very similar to rain failing to the floor thanks to the condensation on the ceilings.
Thankfully the flat opposite us is currently empty, so as it was Sunday ngiht and there was very little that we could do to fix it, we mopped and cleared the worst of the water from the floor and ceiling, we flung open all the windows and started clearing the flat of the worst damage before passing out at 3am in the neighbouring flat.
Today we’ll have to see what sort of a report we get from the team at the flat and from there work out what to do next. Not really the ideal welcome back to Singapore that we were looking for following such an amazing trip to the sun, but I’m sure we’ll survive! I’m just grateful that we’re not planning any more trips away for a while. The flat will just have to wait until July to make another really impressive mess for us to return to in the middle of the night…

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