Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Stamping our name on it

Wedding planning is coming along in dribs and drabs for us at the moment. We’re trying not to do too much too soon as we don’t want to get half way through the year and feel like we need to start all over again because we’ve changed our minds about what we want the event to be like. Also, I don’t want to run out of steam and just be desperate for the whole thing to be over by the time that the big day arrives. 
            Whilst we’re working to hold back on getting too involved in planning the details (flower, decorations, basically all the fun things) we have gone ahead with a few bits and pieces. I've had a wander around shops that stock all sorts of wedding nonsense, just to make sure that we're not missing anything amazing. Also our website (which will house most of the main details for guests to reference in the build up to the wedding) was thrown together last weekend, and will go through a couple of rounds of tweaks before it’s good to go public. 
            Today I also took possession of one little Etsy purchase that I was very excited about – our very own personalised wedding stamp!

It’s currently being used as a headed on all pages of our website, it’ll be a finishing touch for our stationary, and hopefully it will be repeated in a number of other places as planning progresses. Whatever we have on show that's big enough to fit the stamp, I'm stamping it! You have been warned. 
            So there it is: Suzie & Nick, 20-12-15. Jot the date down! There’s no turning back now!

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