Friday, 20 February 2015

A completely free day

Post swim and gym, checking out the building works on the other side of our street.

Nick had to work today, which means that I was free as a bird and able to fill my day with anything I wanted. As most of the world was still hiding at home and refusing to work, go out or do anything, there was very little for me to actually do as travel around the region was pretty limited, so my plans were fairly minimal. I have to admit, I’m not too disappointed about the limited scope for activity either. 
            I kicked off my day with a gym session followed by a lovely fresh morning swim. As the sun doesn’t hit out pool / gym area until the afternoon the mornings are always deserted as the sun seekers wait until after lunch before venturing down to mooch around by the coolness of the pool. As such I had both the gym and pool to myself which was utterly lovely.
            Other jobs on my list for the day included cleaning, laundry and bits and pieces of general life admin too. I went out for a wander around in the afternoon, stopping by at Starbucks (the only open shop) for a quick iced coffee, but otherwise my day was very chilled, very slow, and very enjoyable!

Filling my free time whipping up a double-salmon dinner

By the time that Nick returned home at 5pm I had run out of things to keep me entertained (I finished The Thorn Birds and was already finishing up my next book – only 10 to go!) so I decided to make a lovely dinner for us to eat out in the evening sun on our balcony. We rounded off the night by watching Tin Tin in 3D (yes, we are children) and then passed out at around 10pm. It wasn’t raucous, it wasn’t dangerous, it wasn’t envy inspiring, but for one day of laziness it was utterly glorious!

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