Tuesday, 17 February 2015

All the best things!

A strong way to end the day 
For the past few weeks I’ve been flirting with the idea of being well behaved – there has been healthy eating but little time set aside to exercise, early starts have been delayed and the weekend has often seen me slipping back into the bad habits that Singapore somehow makes so easy to adopt.
            Thankfully, this week I am back on the straight and narrow, and I plan to stay there. I will have to survive a long weekend of minimal plans other than meeting friends for meals, but I am confident that I can do it. I just have to make friends with the gym again!
            So far I am back on the 6:30 starts for a quick 40 minute gym session before work, and swimming before dinner when possible. So long as I can start to maintain the momentum then hopefully the July wedding dress deadline will be achievable!

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